Sunday 22 May 2016

IMA Kayakalp Initiative

IMA Kayakalp Initiative

A medical establishment should be eco-friendly

·         Ensure high level of cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene within and outside the premises of medical establishments.
·         Make the premises free of mosquito breeding.
·         Strictly follow the guidelines for biomedical waste management. The Ministry of Environment and Forests has issued new Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016 in March this year.
·         Segregate all waste at source.
·         Implement and promote hand hygiene practices.
·         Formulate infection prevention and control policy for your clinic. All staff should be trained to follow standard infection control precautions.
·         Hospital-acquired infection rate should be minimum.
·         Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene in the clinic. Masks should be used in areas such as reception, labs. Doctors should use N95 masks when they see patient with cough.
·         People within 6-10 feet of a patient on droplet precautions should wear a mask.
·         Have a properly designed and functioning airborne infection isolation room/s in your clinic. It is a single-occupancy room used to isolate persons with a suspected or confirmed airborne infectious disease. The airborne infection isolation room should provide negative air pressure in the room and a minimum 6-12 air changes per hourand direct exhaust of air from the room to the outside of the building or recirculation of air through a HEPA filter before returning to circulation. All persons entering the isolation room must wear a respiratory mask with a filtering capacity of 95% that allows a tight seal.
·         Promote rational use of antibiotics in your clinic to prevent/check antibiotic resistance.
·         Make your clinic a silent zone. Permissible noise level in silent zone is 50 dB in daytime (6am to 9 pm) and 40 dB in night time (9pm to 6am).
·         Control air pollution: Ensure proper ventilation to improve indoor air quality; use air filters and get your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems) checked regularly. Avoid using split ACs. Avoid incineration. Doors to all patient rooms should remain closed. Make your clinic ‘No Smoking zone’.

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